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🌉 Wormhole

Wormhole is a communication bridge between Kaia and other top decentralized finance (DeFi) networks. Existing projects, platforms, and communities are able to move tokenized assets seamlessly across blockchains and benefit from Kaia's high speed and low cost.

Features of wormhole bridge available in this package are:

  1. Token Registration : Register tokens in order to transfer to the destination chain.
  2. Token Transfer : Transfer assets from one chain to another.

Follow the below steps to try out the above features using the sdk.


npm install @klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole --save

Quick Start

There are two modules in the wormhole bridge starter kit.

  1. BridgeSDK provides the implementation and examples of bridge use-cases.
  2. CoreBridgeSDK exposes methods of @certusone/wormhole-sdk to write custom methods.
import BridgeSDK from '@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole';
import CoreBridgeSDK from '@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole/core';


const BridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole');
const CoreBridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole/core');

1. Token Registration

Registering tokens with the token bridge can be done from any supported blockchain, and only needs to be done once - globally - per token. It can be done by attesting a token on the source chain by calling the below method.

BridgeSDK.attest(config, source, destination)

NOTE: Make sure the token to be attested is present in source chain. Native fee coins in source and destination chain in the provided privatekey account is sufficient.


  1. Object - config
  2. Object - source
    • token - string token contract address to be attested
    • privatekey - string privatekey to perform transactions
    • rpcUrl - string blockchain rpc url
    • coreBridge - string core bridge contract address. see Testnet CoreBridge for reference.
    • tokenBridge - string token bridge contract address. see Testnet TokenBridge for reference.
    • wormholeChainId - string wormhole chainID. see Testnet WormholeChainID for reference.
  3. Object - destination
    • privatekey - string privatekey to perform transactions
    • rpcUrl - string blockchain rpc url
    • tokenBridge - string token bridge contract address. see Testnet TokenBridge for reference.
    • wormholeChainId - string wormhole chainID. see Testnet WormholeChainID for reference.


String - Deployed contract address on Destination chain


const BridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole');
const CoreBridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole/core');

const config = { restAddress: "" };
const source = {
  token: "0x0FD3f122A9B6471928B60eeE73bF35D895C4Ee01", // Token to be attested
  privatekey: "source chain private key",
  rpcUrl: "",
  coreBridge: "0x1830CC6eE66c84D2F177B94D544967c774E624cA",
  tokenBridge: "0xC7A13BE098720840dEa132D860fDfa030884b09A",
  wormholeChainId: "13" 
const destination = {
  privatekey: "destination chain private key",
  rpcUrl: "",
  tokenBridge: "0xF890982f9310df57d00f659cf4fd87e65adEd8d7",
  wormholeChainId: "2" 

console.log(CoreBridgeSDK.CHAINS); // prints the chains from @certusone/wormhole-sdk

const destinationDeployedContract = await BridgeSDK.attest(config, source, destination);

// Destination chain deployed contract
console.log(destinationDeployedContract); // 0xfdA23F910E5CE6b7C712F624DE20d9cC3A5d2122

2.Transfer Tokens

Before transferring tokens, you should ensure that the token is registered on the chain you are transferring to, and that any necessary prerequisite steps (such as sending token approvals or creating associated token accounts) have already been done.

You can initate a transfer by calling the below method

BridgeSDK.transferBasic(config, source, destination, AMOUNT, IS_NATIVE)

NOTE: Make sure the tokens/coins is present in source chain. Native fee coins in source and destination chain in the provided privatekey account is sufficient.


  1. Object - config
  2. Object - source
    • token - token contract address. Provide if IS_NATIVE is false.
    • privatekey - privatekey to perform transactions
    • rpcUrl - blockchain rpc url
    • coreBridge - core bridge contract address. see Testnet CoreBridge for reference.
    • tokenBridge - token bridge contract address. see Testnet TokenBridge for reference.
    • wormholeChainId - wormhole chainID. see Testnet WormholeChainID for reference.
  3. Object - destination
    • privatekey - privatekey to perform transactions
    • rpcUrl - blockchain rpc url
    • tokenBridge - token bridge contract address. see Testnet TokenBridge for reference.
    • wormholeChainId - wormhole chainID. see Testnet WormholeChainID for reference.
  4. String - AMOUNT - Amount to be transferred.
  5. Boolean - IS_NATIVE - Provide true if its a native coin transfer from source and false if its a token transfer.


Object - Transaction Object


const BridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole');
const CoreBridgeSDK = require('@klaytn/kss-bridges-wormhole/core');

const config = { restAddress: "" };
const source = {
  token: "0x0FD3f122A9B6471928B60eeE73bF35D895C4Ee01", // Token to be attested
  privatekey: "source chain private key",
  rpcUrl: "",
  coreBridge: "0x1830CC6eE66c84D2F177B94D544967c774E624cA",
  tokenBridge: "0xC7A13BE098720840dEa132D860fDfa030884b09A",
  wormholeChainId: "13" 
const destination = {
  privatekey: "destination chain private key",
  rpcUrl: "",
  tokenBridge: "0xF890982f9310df57d00f659cf4fd87e65adEd8d7",
  wormholeChainId: "2" 
// Transfers 1 token from source chain's provided token address.
const AMOUNT = "1";
const IS_NATIVE = false;

console.log(CoreBridgeSDK.CHAINS); // prints the chains from @certusone/wormhole-sdk

const result = await BridgeSDK.transferBasic(config, source, destination, AMOUNT, IS_NATIVE);

// Transaction hash of the destination chain

Reference Docs