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💻 Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn with a step-by-step guide how to install, spawn a node, add, retrieve, read files from IPFS using caver js. Furthermore, other possible means of integrating IPFS in your project will be highlighted.


  • Node Js and NPM
  • Install caver-js
  • Subscribe to any Service Provider: You can integrate your IPFS project using any service provider. In this guide we will make use of Infura which gives access to project ID and Project Secret to connect your project to IPFS.

Getting Started

After successfully installing caver-js and generating your Project ID and Project Secret on Infura, you ll need to set up your script file in your working directory by following these steps:

  • Create a scripts folder then create a new file named caverIpfs.js
  • Paste the following code in the newly created file: The code snippet explains how to basically set connection with IPFS node, add file to IPFS, read file from IPFS.

const Caver = require('caver-js')
const caver = new Caver('')

const ipfsConn = {
    host: '',
    port: 5001,
    https: true,
    projectId:'2GRIlYZcPcjuJFU79rzmWlhtst4' ,
    projectSecret: 'dd51f6cbc6b77076fba0e127f61ab284'

async function addFileToIpfs() {
     // Set connection with IPFS Node
    const options = caver.ipfs.createOptions({projectId: ipfsConn.projectId, projectSecret: ipfsConn.projectSecret});
    await caver.ipfs.setIPFSNode(, ipfsConn.port, ipfsConn.https, options)
    // Add a file to IPFS with file path
    const cid = await caver.ipfs.add('./file/ipfs.txt')
    console.log(`Contents uploaded to IPFS with CID ${cid}`)

    // Qmf1rtki74jvYmGeqaaV51hzeiaa6DyWc98fzDiuPatzyy

async function addBufferFileToIpfs() {
     // Set connection with IPFS Node
    const options = caver.ipfs.createOptions({projectId: ipfsConn.projectId, projectSecret: ipfsConn.projectSecret});
    await caver.ipfs.setIPFSNode(, ipfsConn.port, ipfsConn.https, options)
     // Add a file to IPFS with file contents
    const contents = Buffer.from('Hello to my World!')
    const cid = await caver.ipfs.add(contents)
    console.log(`Contents uploaded to IPFS with CID ${cid}`)

async function getFileFromIpfs() {
    const options = caver.ipfs.createOptions({projectId: ipfsConn.projectId, projectSecret: ipfsConn.projectSecret});
    await caver.ipfs.setIPFSNode(, ipfsConn.port, ipfsConn.https, options)

    // Download a file from IPFS
    const cid = "Qmf1rtki74jvYmGeqaaV51hzeiaa6DyWc98fzDiuPatzyy";
    const buffer = await caver.ipfs.get(cid)
    console.log(`Contents downloaded from IPFS: ${buffer.toString('utf8')}`)

async function convertCIDtoMultihash() {
    const options = caver.ipfs.createOptions({projectId: ipfsConn.projectId, projectSecret: ipfsConn.projectSecret});
    await caver.ipfs.setIPFSNode(, ipfsConn.port, ipfsConn.https, options)

    // Download a file from IPFS
    const cid = "Qmf1rtki74jvYmGeqaaV51hzeiaa6DyWc98fzDiuPatzyy";
    const multihash = await caver.ipfs.toHex(cid)
    console.log(`multihash: ${multihash}`)

// addBufferFileToIpfs()
// convertCIDtoMultihash()

  • To execute the code above, run this command

    node scripts/caverIpfs.js

Other Methods

  • Run node and use API (Javascript): You will learn how to install and spawn a node using the available libraries, and add, retrieve, read, and remove files in javascript.
  • Desktop App: With IPFS Desktop, users can add, remove, and download a file using IPFS.
  • Infura: You can integrate your IPFS project with Infura by following through the guide in the link.

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